


Artificial Intelligence, learners’ perceptions, learners’ awareness, English language learning, ChatGPT


Artificial intelligence (AI) is gaining wide attention in second language learning as a beneficial tool. The current research investigates EFL learners’ perceptions and usage of AI applications among 68 undergraduate English language major students. The aim is to enhance students’ awareness of valuable AI applications and involve them with AI applications to help them correct their English language errors and develop their English usage. The intervention involved guiding participants’ engagement with AI applications through specific prompts and analysing their errors into surface and linguistic categories. The objective of this approach is to raise participants’ awareness of recurrent errors in their English essays. Also, the study gathers participants’ perceptions before and after using the AI applications through pre- and post-questionnaires and focus group interviews. The participants’ responses are mainly positive, indicating AI holds the potential to significantly enhance their English language across a variety of skills. The results revealed positive engagement with AI applications, although participants expressed cautious usage due to concerns about overreliance and reliability of the information provided. The study recommends that AI can facilitate language learning through immediate feedback and productive interactions. Further research is needed to guide teachers and L2 learners to use AI while learning English ethically.


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Author Biography

Mai Abdullah Alqaed, University of Tabuk

Assistant Professor in Applied Linguistics


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How to Cite

Alqaed, M. A. (2024). AI IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING: SAUDI LEARNERS’ PERSPECTIVES AND USAGE. Advanced Education, 12(25), 125–142.

