This paper does not violate intellectual property rights of other people.
To submit a manuscript, you need to register on the journal website on the Open Journal Systems, and go through five steps of submission process. In the process of registration on the website after filling in the obligatory information marked with an asterisk *, it is necessary to indicate ORCID id, Affiliation, Department and rank. In comments to editor you may place a cover letter. To speed up the review process, you may provide a list of potential reviewers (affiliation, e-mail address, researcher ID, Scopus ID, or ORCID). The author and potential reviewer must not be from the same institution/research group and they must not have published together. The reviewers should have at least 3 publications in journals indexed in WoS, Scopus.
Manuscript must be of a quality and context that the Editorial Board think would be of interest to an international audience.
Please note that the Editorial Staff will not consider submissions that
- do not fit within the Focus and Scope of AE;
- do not adhere to the Author Guidelines;
- do not generate new knowledge;
- are not edited (contain grammatical and stylistic errors);
- violate publication ethics (if editorial staff reveals plagiarism, self-plagiarism, data fabrication, duplicate publication, etc.).
Empirical papers are preferred. Authors, who want to publish a theoretical paper, a literature review or a book review, should contact the editorial office to discuss the size, structure and theme of the publication.
Use the template for paper formatting.
The size of the publication is 6-10 pages. The possibility of publishing materials that exceed this volume is discussed with the editor.
Margins – 2cm; paragraph – 0,75 cm; spacing before and after the paragraph – 0 (zero); line spacing – single; font – Times New Roman (size 12 for Title, 9 for abstract, keywords and references, 11 for text).
Tables and figures should not be overused.
Special fonts, symbols and illustrations should be attached in separate files.
Footnotes and endnotes are not allowed.
Article structure (empirical paper)
Title |
The title is maximum 12 words |
Abstract |
The abstract should be 200-250 words in length. The structure of the abstract must contain: Purpose. State the problem of the study and explain its purpose. Method. In brief specify research model/design (qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods), research sample/participants, research instruments and procedure, data analysis. Findings. Outline the main results. Implications for research and practice. Show how the results can be implied in practice and what we have learned to draw implications for the future research. |
Keywords |
5-7 keywords |
Introduction |
In the first paragraph please do not cite any work. An opening paragraph should include these items: a statement of the topic/problem; a general statement what the literature has found; a statement about what the literature is missing. Literature review Following the introductory paragraph is a series of paragraphs that traditionally function as a literature review which identifies the seminal historical contributions, outlines the state of knowledge, and justifies the novelty of the article’s contribution The literature review should be based on refereed journal articles to the extent possible. Conference proceedings can be referenced where they never resulted in journal publications; web sites can be referenced where they present unique, multi-media oriented content. Keep in mind that non-refereed material does not bolster an argument. The literature review should lead directly into the last section of the introduction – your study overview. Your short overview should provide your hypotheses and briefly describe your method. The study overview functions as a transition to your methods section. |
Aim and hypothesis |
A hypothesis is a statement that introduces a research question and proposes an expected result. An aim includes the main tasks or questions that must be solved in the study. |
Method |
Research Model/Design (qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods). Sample/Participants (quantity of students or learners in the groups, quantity of teachers; institutions in which the research was taken place). Instruments and Procedure include questionnaires, tests, texts. Also the steps of research realizing must be described. Data Analysis (stages of data analysis; techniques of mathematical statistics that are used to process data). Ethical issues Mention if the research was previously approved by an ethics committee, or if the participants gave their informed consent for participating in the study (were informed of the withdrawing possibility, with no other consequences on their status etc.) |
Results |
The results should present the findings and explain findings. Inserting tables is not enough. Comment on the tables. Present both quantitative and qualitative data in the section (but do not cite any references). We recommend following Bem’s (2006) instructions for presenting findings: remind readers of the conceptual hypotheses or questions you are asking; remind readers of behaviors measured or operations performed; provide the answer/result in plain English; provide the statistic that supports your plain English answer; elaborate or qualify the overall conclusion if necessary |
Discussion |
Introduction sentence. Statement of the problem. Review of the Methodology. Summary of the main results. Reference to previous research. Discussion of the results. Recommendations for educators. Implications for research and practice. Suggestions for further research. |
Limitations |
The study may include such examples of possible methodological limitations: small sample size, lack of available and /or reliable data, lack of prior research studies on the topic; measure used to collect the data etc.; limitations of the researcher: access, longitudinal effects, cultural and other type of bias, fluency in a language. |
Conclusions |
State your conclusions clearly and concisely. Explain why your results might be important to the reader. Provide a synthesis of key points (not just a summary of main topics covered). Make sure that conclusions match the objectives of research. Prove the reader, and the scientific community that your results are important and valuable. Give suggestions for further research.
Acknowledgements (not obligatory paragraph) |
Identify grants or other financial support (and the source, if appropriate) for your study. Next, acknowledge colleagues who assisted in conducting the study or critiquing the manuscript. In this paragraph, also explain any special agreements concerning authorship, such as if authors contributed equally to the study. End this paragraph with thanks for personal assistance, such as in manuscript preparation. |
References |
Use APA style. |
List of references
The reference list should be organised in an alphabetical order.
You should cite not less than 25 sources in empirical papers and 50 in theoretical papers / literature reviews
References should be formatted according to APA standard (
APA standard online converter: or
Authors should consider the credibility of sources they use! If it is not possible to define the author and/or the year of publication, it is better to refuse citing such source as it is not reliable.
Self-citation should be used only if appropriate and not exceed 20-%
Most of the items in the list should be fresh sources of the last 5 years (preferably, articles in reputable journals indexed in Web of Science and/or Scopus). The geography should cover at least three regions; most of the sources should be in English.
We do not recommend citing textbooks, guides, tutorials if the analysis of didactic materials was not the objective of research.
It is necessary to minimise the links to conference abstracts and other materials that were not peer-reviewed before publication.
We recommend replacing dissertations by articles in reputable journals of the same author.
Make sure that you use journal title abbreviations correctly.
Be sure to specify the DOIs of all cited sources. Check sources at
Sample references in APA
King, M. (2000). Wrestling with the angel: A life of Janet Frame. Auckland, New Zealand: Viking. Krause, K.-L., Bochner, S., & Duchesne, S. (2006). Educational psychology for learning and teaching (2nd ed.). South Melbourne, Vic., Australia: Thomson Friedman, H. S. (Ed.). (1998). Encyclopedia of mental health. San Diego, CA: AcademicPress |
Book chapter
Helber, L. E. (1995). Redeveloping mature resorts for new markets. In M. V. Conlin & T. Baum (Eds.), Island tourism: Management principles and practice (pp. 105-113). Chichester, England: Wiley. |
Journal article
Brownlie, D. (2007). Toward effective poster presentations: An annotated bibliography. European Journal of Marketing, 41, 1245-1283. If no DOI Thomas, K., & Bosch, B. (2005). An exploration of the impact of chronic fatigue syndrome. E-Journal of Applied Psychology: Clinical Section, 1(1), 23-40. Retrieved 16 December 2018 from |
Conference proceedings
Armstrong, D. B., Fogarty, G. J., & Dingsdag, D. (2007). Scales measuring characteristics of small business information systems. In W-G. Tan (Ed.), Proceedings of Research, Relevance and Rigour: Coming of age: 18th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (pp. 163-171). Toowoomba, Australia: University of Southern Queensland. |
Hos, J. (2005). Mechanochemically synthesized nanomaterials for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell membranes. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Western Australia, Crawley, Western Australia. |
Note! |
Cyrillic titles of articles and books are transliterated in Latin and translated into English. Zhurba, K. (2004). Vykhovannja dukhovnoji kuljtury u pidlitkiv [Educating spiritual culture in adolescents]. Kyiv, Ukraine: TOV “Infodruk”. In Latin Titles (not English), the translation should be given in brackets. Journal names are not translated. Mozart, W. A., &Johannes, S. B. (2009). Erfahrungen der Kursteilnehmerkrankenschwestern [Experiences of the student nurse]. Krankenpflegejournal, 10, 100-120. |
In-text citations in APA
It is a common knowledge to provide in-text citation in the Introduction and Discussion sections. If you are directly quoting from a work, you will need to include the author, year of publication, and the page number for the reference (preceded by “p.”). Introduce the quotation with a signal phrase that includes the author's last name followed by the date of publication in parentheses. For example: (1) According to Jones (2005), “Students often had difficulty using Gerunds and Infinitives, especially when it was their first time” (p. 156). (2) Jones (2005) found “students often had difficulty using Gerunds and Infinitives” (p. 156); what implications does this have for teachers?
If the author is not named in a signal phrase, place the author’s last name, the year of publication, and the page number in parentheses after the quotation.
She stated, “Students often had difficulty using Gerunds and Infinitives” (Jones, 2005, p. 156), but she did not offer an explanation as to why.
If you cite a work of two to five authors (use ‘&’ within parentheses; use ‘and’ outside parentheses): (1) Becker and Seligman's (1996) findings contradicted this result. This result was later contradicted (Becker & Seligman, 1996). (2) Medvec, Madey, and Gilovich (1995) examined the influence of “what might have been” thoughts on satisfaction among a group of Olympic medalists.
In case of six or more authors, cite only the last name of the first author, followed by “et al.” and the year of publication: Barakat et al. (1995) attempted to . . . Recent research (Barakat et al., 1995) has found that . . .
Language quality
All submitted articles must be written in British or American English, not a mix. Authors whose native language is not English are strongly advised to ensure the grammatical correctness of their papers prior to submission.
We do not recommend using computer-assisted translation software. Your manuscript should not be word-by-word translation from a native language to English. We suggest applying to a native English speaker to have your manuscript proof-read and edited before submitting it to our journal.
Remember that all terms in the manuscript should be used in English-language scientific literature. The editors may ask to provide links to the sources where the specific terminology is used.
Your paper should be organised in a manner that moves from general to specific information. A good paragraph should contain at least the following four elements: transition, topic sentence, specific evidence and analysis, and a brief concluding sentence. A transition sentence acts as a transition from one idea to the next. A topic sentence tells the reader what you will be discussing in the paragraph. Specific evidence and analysis support your claims that provide a deeper level of detail than your topic sentence. A concluding sentence tells the reader how and why this information supports the paper’s thesis.
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We are happy to inform you that our journal has achieved a Quartile Q3 in the category JCI Education & Educational Research within ESCI Web of Science.