“Advanced Education” is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes manuscripts from around the world on higher education and lifelong learning.
The research areas cover but are not limited to
Submissions on applied linguistics should aim to contribute to understanding the relationship between a certain area of linguistics and language teaching. Therefore, AE encourages interdisciplinary submissions in the sphere of linguistics that link theory and teaching practice, advance language learning, and facilitate the students’ acquisition of communicative competences.
The journal also welcomes submissions with a focus on STEAM as an educational approach to learning that uses Science, Technology, Engineering, Art (Foreign language as a part of Art) and Mathematics.
The editors welcome manuscripts that report research results on topics that are of international significance across educational contexts. AE gives preferences to innovative submissions (empirical or theoretical) that push the field forward and generate new knowledge. Manuscripts may involve a wide range of research methodologies (qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods).
All submitted papers undergo a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the selection of articles that meet the high standards of the Journal "Advanced Education."
The review process is conducted by Editorial Team members and independent experts in relevant fields. It adheres to a double-blind procedure, where the identities of reviewers and authors remain undisclosed to each other.
Reviewers assess the theoretical and methodological aspects of the paper, its practical significance, and its scientific contribution.
Members of the editorial board are permitted to submit manuscripts, but these submissions are subjected to the standard peer-review process overseen by the Editor-in-Chief. Editorial board members are not involved in editorial decisions regarding their own work.
Manuscripts submitted by authors that do not meet the journal "Advanced Education" publication requirements will not be considered. To assess the uniqueness of the text, all submitted papers undergo a check using the specialized software Unicheck.
The peer-review process is a crucial step in our publication procedure. Once the Journal "Advanced Education" receives a manuscript, it undergoes an initial prescreening by the Editorial Team to determine if it aligns with the journal's scope. If the manuscript meets our minimum standards, it proceeds to the review phase.
During the main review phase, the Editor-in-Chief or an assigned Section Editor sends the papers, with author names and affiliations removed, to experts in the relevant field of study. The typical duration from submission to the first decision is approximately 12 weeks. In cases of conflicts of interest, the Editor-in-Chief appoints an alternative expert.
Reviewers use an electronic evaluation form that includes a checklist to ensure comprehensive coverage of all publication aspects. In the evaluation form's final section, reviewers provide feedback and suggestions for improvement, which are conveyed to the authors without disclosing reviewer identities. The final decision will be one of the following: accept submission; major revisions required; minor revisions required; decline submission.
In the event of disagreement with a reviewer's evaluation, authors have the right to provide a reasoned response to the Editor-in-Chief. The matter is then discussed at an Editorial Board meeting, and the paper may be subject to additional review by another expert. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject papers if authors are uncooperative or fail to consider reviewers' feedback.
The Editor-in-Chief makes the final publication decision based on reviewers' recommendations and the journal's scope.
Papers approved for publication undergo technical editing. The technical editor may make minor stylistic or formal corrections that do not affect the paper's content without requiring the author's consent. Galley proofs are sent to authors for approval before publication.
This journal publishes two issues per year (in December and July).
"Advanced Education" is an open-access journal. All articles are free for users to access, read, download, and print. By "open access," we mean free availability on the public Internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles or use them for any other lawful purpose.
The Journal charges €250 of the article processing fee to cover the costs induced by editing, efficient publication service to the authors, proofreading, website maintenance, etc.
The journal supports a waiver policy.
Hard copies of the journal and airmailing costs are paid additionally.
No article submission charge is required.
The editorial team of the Advanced Education journal adheres to the Publishing Policy of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Corresponding Author: The corresponding author is responsible for overseeing the manuscript submission and publication process. They should ensure that all co-authors are aware of the submission and agree with the manuscript content. The corresponding author acts as the primary point of contact with the journal and is responsible for addressing queries during the review and publication process.
Co-Authors: All co-authors should have made substantial contributions to the research and manuscript. They are collectively responsible for the accuracy and integrity of the work. Authors should ensure that all co-authors have reviewed and approved the final manuscript.
Authors are required to specify their individual contributions using the CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) system, which provides a standardized way to acknowledge each author's role in the research. These roles may include, but are not limited to, conceptualization, data curation, writing – original draft, and funding acquisition. The contributions should be clearly outlined during the submission process.
Ghost Authorship: Ghost authorship, where individuals who have made substantial contributions are not listed as authors, is strongly discouraged. All contributors should be acknowledged as co-authors, and their specific roles should be transparently stated.
Guest Authorship (Honorary Authorship): Guest authorship, which involves listing individuals as authors who have not made significant contributions, is also discouraged. Only those who have actively contributed to the research and manuscript should be listed as authors.
Gift Authorship (Inappropriate Authorship): Gift authorship, where individuals are included as authors merely as a favor or formality, is not permitted. Authorship should be based on substantial intellectual and practical contributions.
In cases of authorship disputes, the journal encourages authors to resolve the issue internally. Authors are recommended to discuss and reach a consensus among themselves. If an agreement cannot be reached, the journal may consider deferring the manuscript until the dispute is resolved, or a clear explanation from all parties involved is provided.
Authors can suggest preferred or excluded reviewers during the submission process. However, the journal retains the final decision on selecting reviewers. The editorial team may consider author suggestions, but it is not obligated to follow them. Any nominations or exclusions should be based on valid reasons related to potential conflicts of interest or expertise.
Authorship can refer to individuals or groups that create an idea or develop the publication that disseminates that intellectual or creative work.
Authors submitting manuscripts to Advanced Education are expected to uphold the highest ethical standards in academic publishing. The following ethical obligations should be observed:
Originality: Authors confirm that the manuscript is not concurrently under consideration by another journal. The manuscript should be entirely original and not have been published, in part or in full, in any other language.
Self-Citation: While self-citation is permissible, it should be used sparingly, primarily when it is essential to reference the author's previous work, especially for related research.
Salami Publication: Authors are discouraged from "salami publication," which involves dividing a single research project into multiple parts for publication.
Research Misconduct: If any form of research misconduct is identified, such as data fabrication, falsification, image manipulation, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, duplicate or redundant publication, the journal reserves the right to reject the manuscript at any stage of consideration. AE, in accordance with COPE guidelines, may also issue a retraction, notify the author's institution, and temporarily decline future submissions from the authors.
Selection: Reviewers are selected based on their expertise, qualifications, and experience in the relevant field of study. The Editorial Board may choose reviewers from recommendations provided by authors during the submission process, but the final selection is at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.
The Advanced Education Journal values the expertise and knowledge of its authors and encourages their active participation in the peer review process. Authors who have previously contributed to the journal and are experts in the relevant subject matter are welcomed to serve as reviewers for submitted manuscripts. Their insights and expertise play a vital role in maintaining the quality and integrity of the journal's publications.
Training: Reviewers are expected to be familiar with ethical standards in scientific publications. They are encouraged to refer to COPE guidelines and other relevant resources for ethical review practices.
Each manuscript is typically reviewed by a minimum of two independent peer reviewers. In cases where there are contradictions or discrepancies in reviews, a third or additional reviewers may be assigned to provide a comprehensive assessment.
Reviews are considered the intellectual property of the reviewers. Reviewers are encouraged to provide constructive and fair assessments. The content of the reviews should be respectful and confidential.
Reviews are not transferable between manuscripts. Each review is specific to the manuscript it evaluates. Reviewers should not use information obtained during one review for any other purpose or manuscript.
Acceptance: Manuscripts that receive positive reviews and are deemed to meet the journal's publication standards may be accepted for publication.
Revision: Manuscripts that require revisions based on reviewer feedback will be returned to authors for revisions. Revisions should address all reviewer comments and concerns.
Rejection: Manuscripts that do not meet the journal's standards, receive negative reviews, or do not adequately address concerns raised during revisions may be rejected. The final decision is made by the Editor-in-Chief.
Authors are encouraged to submit revised manuscripts within a specified timeframe. The revised manuscripts are subject to further review to ensure that all reviewer concerns have been adequately addressed.
If authors disagree with the decision on their manuscript, they can appeal by providing a well-structured argument explaining their position. Appeals are reviewed by the Editorial Board, and a final decision is made.
The reviewer policy outlined above aims to ensure rigorous and ethical peer review practices in the Advanced Education Journal. Reviewers play a crucial role in maintaining the quality and integrity of published research. The policies also provide a transparent framework for manuscript decisions and appeals.
Peer reviewers play a critical role in maintaining the highest ethical standards of manuscripts submitted to the Advanced Educationl. Their ethical obligations include:
Subject Expertise: Reviewers should only agree to assess manuscripts in their area of expertise, ensuring that they can provide a timely and thorough evaluation.
Confidentiality: Reviewers must maintain the confidentiality of the peer review process and refrain from disclosing any details of the manuscript or its review, both during and after the review process.
Conflict of Interest: In the case of a conflict of interest, such as a personal or professional relationship with the author that may bias the review, reviewers should return the article, clearly indicating the conflict of interest.
Impartiality: Reviews should be objective and constructive, avoiding hostility, inflammatory language, or derogatory comments.
Professionalism: Reviewers should provide accurate personal and professional information that reflects their expertise and avoid impersonation during the review process.
Plagiarism and Falsification: Any claims of plagiarism, authorship issues, or data falsification should be justified with reasoned explanations and supported by appropriate references.
Seeking Guidance: If reviewers have concerns about plagiarism, authorship, or data falsification, they should promptly inform the editorial board, requesting a collective examination of the author's article.
Timeliness: Reviewers should complete their reviews in a timely manner, demonstrating respect for the author's work.
Advanced Education journal editors are entrusted with upholding the highest ethical standards in the publication process. Their ethical obligations include:
Confidentiality: Editors must ensure the confidentiality of the peer-review process and refrain from disclosing manuscript details without author permission.
Conflict of Interest: Editors should request peer reviewers to disclose any conflicts of interest and use this information judiciously.
Citations: Editors should only request authors to add citations when a strong scholarly rationale exists.
Reviewer Selection: Editors may ask authors for peer reviewer recommendations or, conversely, to exclude specific individuals from reviewing their paper.
Quality Control: Editors should monitor the performance of peer reviewers and avoid using reviewers who provide poor-quality, tardy, abusive, or unconstructive reviews.
At Advanced Education, we are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in academic publishing. This section outlines our policies and practices to address a range of ethical concerns that can arise throughout the publication process.
Our commitment to ethical publishing is guided by the following principles:
At Advanced Education, we value transparency and accountability in research. We encourage all stakeholders, including authors, reviewers, and readers, to report any suspected research misconduct, such as fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism. We have established clear and accessible reporting mechanisms that protect whistleblowers and foster a culture of responsibility.
Maintaining integrity in research is of paramount importance. Authors, reviewers, and editors are expected to disclose any potential conflicts of interest or competing interests that could influence the research, peer review, or publication process. We diligently review these disclosures and, if necessary, implement strategies to manage conflicts, ensuring transparency and impartiality.
In our pursuit of scientific rigor, Advanced Education promotes data sharing policies that encourage authors to provide access to research data, ensuring the reproducibility and transparency of findings. Reviewers and editors play a vital role in examining the methodology and data analysis, contributing to the validity and reliability of published results.
We have established the editorial board that includes experts in research ethics to oversee the publication process and address ethical concerns. These experts are responsible for enforcing our ethical guidelines, ensuring that authors, reviewers, and editors adhere to these principles throughout the publication process.
Respecting intellectual property rights is integral to our ethical policy. We clearly define copyright and licensing terms for published work, safeguarding authors' rights while promoting the dissemination of knowledge.
Our editorial policies are built on transparency and independence, aligning with established ethical standards. We avoid undue influence from external entities and disclose any potential conflicts in journal management.
Continuous improvement and accountability are central to our ethical values. We encourage readers, authors, and reviewers to engage in post-publication discussions, providing constructive feedback on published articles. Any errors, inaccuracies, or ethical concerns are promptly addressed through corrections or retractions, as needed.
By adhering to these ethical principles, Advanced Education is dedicated to fostering a culture of integrity, transparency, and accountability in academic publishing. We invite all authors, reviewers, and readers to join us in upholding these ethical standards to advance the dissemination of knowledge and the credibility of scholarly research.
At the Advanced Education Journal, we are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in all aspects of our publication process. To promptly respond to suspected ethical breaches, we have established the following guidelines for authors, reviewers, editors, staff, and the journal publisher.
Authors: All authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest in their submitted manuscripts. This includes financial, personal, or professional relationships that could influence the research, review, or publication process.
Reviewers: Reviewers must declare any conflicts of interest that could affect their impartial assessment of a manuscript. If they have any relationship with the authors, institutions, or organizations associated with the manuscript, it should be disclosed.
Editors: Editorial team members must also provide disclosure of any conflicts of interest. This includes relationships with authors, reviewers, or institutions that could impact their editorial decisions.
Staff and Publisher: Staff members and the journal publisher should disclose any conflicts of interest that could affect their roles in the publication process.
All parties must disclose the type and extent of their conflicts of interest. This includes specifying the nature of the relationship or interest and the potential impact it may have on the publication process.
Conflicts of interest should be disclosed at the earliest possible stage in the publication process. Authors, reviewers, editors, staff, and the publisher should promptly disclose any conflicts as soon as they become aware of them.
Authors: During manuscript submission, authors are required to complete a conflict of interest disclosure form.
Reviewers: Reviewers must declare any conflicts of interest when accepting a review assignment or during the review process.
Editors: Editors and editorial team members should disclose conflicts of interest to the Editor-in-Chief or relevant authorities.
Staff and Publisher: Staff and the journal publisher should provide disclosures as part of their employment agreements.
Conflicts of interest will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. The journal's Editorial Board and Editor-in-Chief will review disclosed conflicts and determine the appropriate course of action, which may include recusal, disclosure to readers, or other necessary steps to manage the conflicts.
When an author, reviewer, editor, staff member, or the publisher is found to have failed to disclose a conflict of interest, appropriate actions will be taken in accordance with COPE guidelines and established policies.
The Advanced Education Journal takes conflicts of interest seriously and is dedicated to maintaining the integrity and transparency of the publication process. These guidelines ensure that all parties involved in the publication process adhere to ethical standards and promptly address potential breaches.
Archiving and Self-Archiving Policy
At the Advanced Education Journal, we are committed to ensuring the accessibility and preservation of research outputs. This Archiving and Self-Archiving Policy outlines our guidelines for archiving, self-archiving, and sharing research articles.
The Advanced Education Journal is dedicated to preserving all published articles in a digital format.
The Publisher maintains our own secure digital archive (ELAKPI), ensuring the long-term availability of articles.
Our archiving policy aligns with international standards for digital preservation and indexing, and we continuously update our systems to adhere to best practices.
Authors are encouraged to self-archive their work to increase the visibility and accessibility of their research. Authors may deposit their accepted manuscripts in institutional and subject-based repositories.
Self-archiving is permitted for both preprints and post-prints.
Preprints: Authors may submit preprints of their work to preprint servers. We encourage authors to follow these guidelines:
Ensure that the preprint clearly indicates that it is a preprint and has not undergone peer review.
Include a link to the final published version in the preprint.
Post-Prints: Authors may self-archive post-prints, which are the accepted versions of their manuscripts after peer review and before final publication. We recommend the following:
Authors should respect any embargo periods set by preprint servers or institutional repositories.
Include a link to the final published version in the post-print.
Clearly indicate that the post-print has been accepted for publication in the Advanced Education Journal.
Authors should always check the policies of specific preprint servers or repositories to ensure compliance with their guidelines and any embargo periods.
Authors should use persistent identifiers (e.g., DOIs) when self-archiving to ensure proper attribution and linking to the final published article.
Authors are encouraged to provide open access to their research and include a Creative Commons license on self-archived versions where possible.
When referencing self-archived versions, authors should provide appropriate attribution and citations to the original Advanced Education Journal publication.
Our Archiving and Self-Archiving Policy is designed to facilitate the dissemination of research while ensuring the integrity of the publishing process. We believe in the importance of open access and encourage authors to share their work in a manner that supports research accessibility and citation.
How can I submit my manuscript?
To submit your manuscript, you should be a registered user with the role of AUTHOR in the journal. Then, you should visit the user page, click New Submission and go through 5 steps of the submission process. Do not forget to click SUBMIT at the last step.
I am not sure whether my manuscript fits within the focus and scope of the journal.
We recommend that you consult the description of this journal under About, as well as its current contents, to learn more about the work that we publish.
I submitted the manuscript but I see it in the status of UNASSIGNED, what does this mean?
This means that the editor and reviewers have not yet been assigned. Perhaps all editors are overloaded at the moment, and you need to wait until the status changes to IN REVIEW.
How long does the review process last?
The review process usually lasts 12 to 16 weeks.
My manuscript has been rejected, can I resubmit it?
Usually, when authors receive a rejection letter, editors inform them of the reasons why the manuscript failed to pass the initial review. In most cases, the manuscript does not adhere to the author guidelines and standards of AE regarding language quality, structure, the content of the section, and the quality of the sources cited. Sometimes, the manuscripts do not fit within the scope and focus of Advanced Education. In any case, you should read carefully the description of our journal under About (AIMS and SCOPE, AUTHOR GUIDELINES), as well as its current contents, to learn more about the work that we publish.
You may resubmit your manuscript after you ensure that it meets the journal's requirements and standards or submit it to a more suitable journal.
I received the feedback from the reviewers, but I do not agree with some of the recommendations.
In this case, write a letter to the editor explaining your position. Your manuscript may sent to another reviewer, and the case may be discussed at the Editorial Board meeting.
Can I recommend the reviewers to evaluate my work?
Yes, you may give the contacts of possible reviewers of your work. But remember that there should be no conflict of interest (the same workplace, collective publications, projects, etc). The reviewers should be qualified enough to evaluate your manuscript, they should have publications in reputable journals, indexed in WoS, Scopus. The editor may choose one reviewer from your list and one from the journal database of reviewers.
I submitted my manuscript (a week ago, a month ago, etc.), but I haven’t received any information about its status.
Sometimes, letters from journal mailboxes get into spam. You may check at your submission webpage, if the submission is Archived, it means that it was rejected. In any case, contact
Remember that the review process lasts 12 weeks, sometimes more. However, if you are worried about the status of your paper, you may ask the editors (via e-mail), and you will get the answer within 3 days. If you have not received the answer, write again.
I go to the submission webpage and see that my submission is Archived, what does it mean?
It means that the manuscript has been rejected. Check your mailbox and register at the journal website.
Can you give me my editor's phone number?
The communication between editors and authors is only via Email Correspondence
What is the Deadline for the current issue?
There are no deadlines (except special issues) for paper submissions. You may submit your manuscript anytime. But remember that the review process will last up to 16 weeks, and the pre-publication process (in case the manuscript is recommended for publication) lasts up to 12 weeks.
How long should I wait from submission to publication?
The period from submission to publication usually lasts from 6 to 12 months.
What is the rejection rate in AE?
The rejection rate of manuscripts in AE is about 80%
What are the most frequent reasons for rejecting manuscripts?
Poor language quality, the manuscript does not have IMRAD structure or the content of sections does not fit journal requirements, not enough modern, reliable sources cited (in particular, articles in reputable journals), the manuscript is formatted not in accordance with APA standard
I have submitted my manuscript, when will I get the account to pay for publication?
You will get the account only after your manuscript is recommended for publication on the basis of positive feedback from reviewers and the Editor in Chief
Dear all!
We are happy to inform you that our journal has achieved a Quartile Q3 in the category JCI Education & Educational Research within ESCI Web of Science.