


computer-assisted language learning (CALL), Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), web-based applications, technology, Kahoot, higher education


These days, languages at non-philological universities are becoming an important tool of internationalization. However, language classes seem to be an additional subject to the obligatory technical subjects, and they are not given enough space in the technical study portfolios. Therefore, CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning), which focuses on technical content, can be applied to expand students' language exposure. CLIL activities might be carried out by content teachers and language teachers. The content teachers not achieving B2 level in English need some support introducing the foreign language into the instruction. The use of English during classes can be encouraged by Internet applications where the language input from the content teachers is limited, however, the application-based teaching activities still achieve the task of the target language learning. The paper deals with the perceptions of Internet applications tailored to teachers' needs, providing students with content and language practice. It discusses the role and use of CA-CLIL (Computer Assisted-CLIL) applied intensively after the COVID-19 pandemic. Internet applications used in the class include Learningapps, Kahoot, Mentimeter, and Youtube. The views are supported by action research based on the questionnaire survey of the 65-student sample and interviews with content teachers. The interviews with content teachers suggest that regardless of their foreign language mastery, they can manage to use English via applications. In addition, the students also praise such an instruction method. The results show that the CA-CLIL is perceived well and brings additional benefits such as perceptions of fun and competitiveness to university education.


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Author Biographies

Jaroslava Štefková, Institute of Foreign Languages, Technical University in Zvolen

Jaroslava Stefkova has been teaching English language courses as an assistant professor at the Institute of Foreign Languages for 25 years.  She has focused on English for Specific Purposes for the programes of Fire Sciences and Enterprise Management. She also teaches courses of Academic English and Academic Writing. She has participated in various technical projects and has been a chief investigator of two educational-research projects. In her instruction, she employs innovative methods (such as CLIL or peer review)  and technologies. She also translates technical articles of expert faculty from the University.

Zuzana Danihelova, Institute of Foreign Languages, Technical University in Zvolen

Zuzana Danihelová has worked as an assistant professor at the Institute of Foreign Languages, Technical University in Zvolen since 2010. She has taught various courses of the English language at all Faculties. Currently, she specializes in teaching ESP and academic communication in the study programmes Furniture and Interior Design, Forestry, and in managerial study programmes. In addition to teaching activities, she has been a member of the organizing committee of the annual conference organized by the Institute of Foreign Languages.


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How to Cite

Štefková, J., & Danihelova, Z. (2023). CA-CLIL: TEACHERS’ AND STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF IMPLEMENTING CLIL IN TERTIARY EDUCATION. Advanced Education, 10(22), 137–151.

