


Educational System, Creativity, Innovation, Hail Students, Saudi Arabia


The developments of countries are always based on the efforts of their creative people, as the spread of an organizational culture that stimulates creativity and innovation and sponsors its owners. Therefore this study aimed to explore the creativity and innovation involvement in educational curriculum and to assess the challenges and opportunities in educational system among youth in Hail Region. To achieve these objectives, explanatory and descriptive research designs were employed with quantitative research approach. The questionnaire was the instrumental tool for collecting data with simple random sampling technique. 341 valid responses have been analyzed by using SPSS software. The study's findings revealed that students perceive themselves as engaging in creative thinking activities and receiving creativity and innovation training at the university. The respondents strongly agree that incorporating technology tools and techniques into education enhances creativity and innovation, and there are other factors that also contribute to these opportunities. Resistance to change and limited access to information were identified as significant challenges to developing creativity and innovation skills among the respondents. The study found a moderate, positive correlation between involvement in creativity and innovation and the educational curriculum. Based on these results, it is recommended that the university continue prioritizing creative thinking activities and innovation training for students while addressing challenges related to resistance to change and access to information. Further integration of creativity and innovation concepts into the curriculum may also be beneficial, along with continued use of technology tools and techniques to enhance these skills in education.



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Author Biographies

Ali Essa A. Alshammari, College of Education, University of Hail, KSA

Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum and Teaching Methods, College of Education


Murad thomran, University of Hail, KSA

Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting, College of Business Administration


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How to Cite

Alshammari, A. E. A. ., & thomran, M. (2023). TOWARDS ENHANCING CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION IN EDUCATION SYSTEM FOR YOUTH IN HAIL REGION. Advanced Education, 10(22), 122–136.

