



Moodle, online course, Slovak professional terminology, E-exercises, manufacturing technologies, E-tests, mistake, diacritical marks


The purpose of the paper is to point out the possibilities of teaching and learning Slovak as a foreign language. The course Slovak as a foreign language allowed foreign students to overcome problems while studying professional subjects in manufacturing technologies. The goal was the creation of suitable professional study material tailored for technical specialization students. Slovak language teachers used mixed methods and forms of study (face-to-face and online). They tried to improve the Slovak language communication skills of manufacturing technologies students. The results of e-exercises and the final e-test of 120 foreign students in the 1st year of bachelor's studies in the summer semester of 2022 were compared. Later the strengths and weaknesses of students were found. The level of professional Slovak terminology was improved by eliminating the most common mistakes. The Moodle platform was used for learning and teaching Slovak as a foreign language as well as Slovak professional terminology.


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Author Biography

Marta Gluchmanova, Technical University of Košice

PhD, The Faculty of Manufacturing Technologies in Prešov, Department of Natural Sciences & Humanities  


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How to Cite

Gluchmanova, M. (2023). TEACHING AND LEARNING SLOVAK PROFESSIONAL TERMINOLOGY . Advanced Education, 10(22), 89–102. https://doi.org/10.20535/2410-8286.276228

