


educational smartphone apps, mobile learning, distance education, foreign student, Ukrainian language learning, technology, future doctors



This article explores the implementation of mobile applications in the training of future doctors studying the Ukrainian language. The authors conducted a descriptive survey to explore the types of language learning apps commonly used by foreign students studying Ukrainian at the Poltava State Medical University. Furthermore, the effectiveness of these applications for the development of language skills was identified and analyzed. The authors have demonstrated that most smartphone and tablet apps can be effectively used for learning new vocabulary, grammar, spelling rules, and developing writing and speaking skills in Ukrainian for foreign students. The descriptive survey indicated that students generally hold a positive attitude towards the use of apps for language learning. Among the students surveyed, grammar and vocabulary apps were found to be the most popular, while speaking and writing apps were less favored. The authors have also identified the advantages and disadvantages of using language learning apps. The article provides a careful analysis of the essence, principles, strengths, and weaknesses of mobile applications, as well as their pedagogical significance in the context of studying the Ukrainian language at medical universities. It emphasizes that educational mobile applications used by teachers of Ukrainian as a foreign language create an environment that facilitates information retention, promotes interaction between students, and develops their language skills. Mobile applications allow students to personalize their learning by choosing the content and pace, making them convenient for self-directed and distance learning. The data and results obtained from this study can be used to improve educational materials through mobile applications for learning Ukrainian as a foreign language. The findings contribute to research on mobile-assisted language learning and the design of educational apps by shedding light on students' preferences for acquiring different language skills.


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Author Biographies

Maryna Zhovnir, Poltava State Medical University

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Ukrainian Studies and Humanities

Olena Shevchenko, Poltava State Medical University, Shevchenko str., 23, Poltava, Ukraine, 36011

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Ukrainian Studies and Humanitarian

Tetyana Leshchenko, Poltava State Medical University

PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Ukrainian Studies and Humanities


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How to Cite

Zhovnir, M. ., Shevchenko, O., & Leshchenko, T. . (2023). INCORPORATING EDUCATIONAL SMARTPHONE APPS FOR TEACHING UKRAINIAN AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE TO MEDICAL STUDENTS . Advanced Education, 10(22), 103–121.

