
  • Nellia Nychkalo National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Jinba Wang Yuncheng University, China
  • Larysa Lukianova Ivan Ziaziun Institute of pedagogical and adult education of NAPS of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Nataliia Paziura National Aviation University, Ukraine
  • Nataliia Muranova National Aviation University, Ukraine



task-based approach, business English vocabulary, communicative competence, group work, master’s degree students


The purpose of this study is to identify the effectiveness of the task-based approach to teaching business vocabulary to master’s degree students while studying business English. The discipline of business English aims to develop students’ ability to analyse and solve problems of the business environment, improve their foreign language competence on the basis of acquired business vocabulary. The authors used the task-based approach in teaching business vocabulary which was aimed at encouraging students to social contacts, discussions, use of the necessary lexical units in situations close to real business life. The participants of the study were 34 students who studied for a master’s degree at the National Aviation University (Kyiv, Ukraine) majoring in aviation, rocket and space technology. The study of the course required 34 academic hours. According to the methodology of the experiment, the two groups of students (control and experimental ones) had the same learning materials during the course, but the teaching methods were different. In the control group, we used traditional vocabulary learning methods which implied the presentation of the new vocabulary by the teacher, practice exercises which made learners more familiar with the lexical units and the use of the new vocabulary by students in context. In the experimental group, task-based learning method was used which required students to work on solving real business problems with special attention to the development of teamwork skills and communication skills based on the students’ experience of work in business and communication with colleagues from other countries. Specially designed tasks were used to intensify the process of learning business vocabulary. The study showed significant positive dynamics in the acquisition of business vocabulary by students of the experimental group. The results of the test confirmed that task-based approach to vocabulary learning allows students to learn the necessary business vocabulary on a particular topic more easily and quickly It has been concluded that the task-based approach is not only efficient in vocabulary learning, but also increases the students’ confidence in their professional and communicative competence.


Author Biographies

Nellia Nychkalo, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

Full Member of NAPS ofUkraine, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Academician-Secretary of Vocational and Adult Education Department

Jinba Wang, Yuncheng University

PhD, Professor 

Dean of Foreign Language Department

Larysa Lukianova, Ivan Ziaziun Institute of pedagogical and adult education of NAPS of Ukraine

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding member of National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine


Nataliia Paziura, National Aviation University

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, ProfessorHead of Aviation English Department

Nataliia Muranova, National Aviation University

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,

Director of Research and Educational Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies


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How to Cite

Nychkalo, N., Wang, J., Lukianova, L., Paziura, N., & Muranova, N. (2020). USE OF TASK-BASED APPROACH IN TEACHING VOCABULARY TO BUSINESS ENGLISH LEARNERS AT UNIVERSITY. Advanced Education, 7(16), 98–103.

