readiness for professional mobility, future software engineer, interdisciplinary integration, ESP, blended learningAbstract
The article aims to study the formation of the software engineering students’ readiness for professional mobility in the educational and information environment of a technical university. The hypothesis of our research is the assumption that the formation of students’ readiness for professional mobility depends on the following organisational and pedagogical conditions: 1) the development of students’ positive intrinsic motivation for training and future professional activity using interactive methods and IT); 2) integration of the structure and content of foreign language with professional training by modelling professional activities through blended learning; 3) synergy of psychological and pedagogical process taking into account the components of the teacher’s professional competence (a tutor, a moderator, a scientist, a designer, and a director). The pedagogical experiment was conducted at the National Aviation University and included three stages: preparatory, formative and final. In total, 158 students of I-V years of study majoring in software engineering took part in various stages of the experiment. 26 students made up an experimental group (EG), 24 – a control group (CG). The criteria and indicators for assessing the students’ readiness for professional mobility and the methods of evaluation were determined. The results of the experiment have proven the proposed hypothesis. The indicators of the productive and creative levels of readiness by all the criteria considerably increased in the EG, while in the CG a slight positive dynamics can be seen. Promising directions for further research can be related to the development of an integrative ESP Moodle course for future software engineers.
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