



new principles of teaching, Ukrainian folk duma, educational process, intercultural communication process, professional competence, cross-cultural research, cooperation


The article deals with the basic principles of teaching Ukrainian folk dumas in higher educational institutions of Ukraine. Based on the principles of teaching Ukrainian folk dumas in higher educational institutions of Ukraine, we conducted an experimental study with further comparative analysis of the perception of dumas by Ukrainian and foreign students. We used the method of interview (including written feedback from students). The research was conducted in groups of Ukrainian and international students (from Africa and the Middle East) who studied at Sumy State University (Ukraine). 100 respondents aged 19-22 were interviewed. Students listened to audio recordings of Ukrainian folk dumas, analysed texts and gave written feedback about the perception of epic heroes and dumas in general. The results we obtained showed that teaching Ukrainian folk dumas based on the principle of close connection of teaching with the modern life of society and the principle of family-centrism helps students from different countries and cultures to recognise themselves as successors of traditions that form their spiritual world, an active life position and national identity in the context of modern globalisation processes. The use of these principles in teaching dumas promotes the students’ individual perception of the learning content, reveals national specifics of the student’s world outlook, deeply rooted in the genetic memory of generations and national psychology.


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Author Biography

Maryna Nabok, Sumy State University

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Language Training for Foreign Citizens


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How to Cite

Nabok, M. (2020). TEACHING UKRAINIAN FOLK DUMAS AT UNIVERSITY: ANALYSIS IN CONTEXT OF INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION. Advanced Education, 7(16), 4–8. https://doi.org/10.20535/2410-8286.184554

