


linguistic abilities, giftedness, gifted students, English Grammar, teaching strategies


The article highlights the difficulties teachers face in teaching grammar to the gifted students because the individuals with exceptional gifts, talents and learning potential have needs that require specific attention. It presents the typical characteristics of the gifted students aged 17-19 who study according to the educational and professional programme “Secondary education (English language and literature)”. Some strategies for teaching gifted students English Grammar in a natural and flowing way to support them and maximise their learning are proposed by the author. One of such strategies is to ensure a multi-level curriculum in Grammar that is personalised to the gifted students’ interests and educational needs. An important point in the process of teaching gifted students English Grammar is to provide various enrichment activities and support their emotional growth. The author also describes the strategy of implementing technology usage in the process of teaching gifted students grammar concepts. One of the author’s proposed strategies is teaching gifted students English Grammar interactively and putting some fun into this process. The author also puts an emphasis on the importance of incorporating Grammar in context and encouraging gifted students to self-education while learning English Grammar. Implementing the proposed strategies can promote the creation of psychologically comfortable and creative learning environment to the gifted students in the process of learning Grammar. The author offers a variety of activities for everyday use in the process of teaching gifted students English Grammar, aimed at stimulation of the gifted students’ imagination, humour, creativity, etc. Finally, being a teacher of the gifted students means to be ready for a constant and professional development and always concentrate on the learner. 


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Author Biography

Maryna Shemuda, Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky State Pedagogical University

Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Associate Professor
of the Department of Foreign Philology and Methods of Education


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How to Cite

Shemuda, M. (2018). STRATEGIES FOR TEACHING GIFTED STUDENTS ENGLISH GRAMMAR. Advanced Education, 5, 107–113.


