
  • Iryna Ghritchenko Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • Inna Nesterenko Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine



artists, foreign language training, English for specific purposes, language activity, communicative approach, the principle of visual perception of information, new education technologies


The article highlights the problem of foreign language training of future artists in higher educational establishments. The main feature of English for specific purposes (ESP) is a professionally oriented approach to learning English. It involves the formation of students’ ability to foreign language communication in specific areas and situations. Permanent and variable characteristics of a foreign language for specific purposes are given. The main issues of studying ESP by art students include the specifics of lexical content and special format of oral and written texts related to the profession. With the help of dominant perceptual modality diagnostics by S. Yefremtsev, we have defined that 95% of all respondents refer to the visual type. The common features of visuals were taken into account in creating the system of classes based on the communicative approach and the principle of visual perception of information. The article analyzes the content and feasibility of the ESP textbook specially created for future artists. Main lingo-didactic (general teaching) principles of training of speech activity types are described. They include: specific professional area, complexity and interconnectedness of learning types of speech activity, dominance of one type of speech activity at a certain stage of training, learning objectives, gradual and consistent skills formation, the text as a basis for any kind of speaking, the richness of analytical tools in every form of speaking, facilities, and advanced technology training. The article proves the necessity of using Internet resources in teaching ESP.


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Author Biographies

Iryna Ghritchenko, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman, Ukraine

Foreign languages department, PhD in Education, University teacher.

Inna Nesterenko, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University

Foreign languages department, PhD in Education, University teacher.


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How to Cite

Ghritchenko, I., & Nesterenko, I. (2016). INNOVATIVE APPROACHES TO TEACHING ENGLISH LANGUAGE TO ARTISTS. Advanced Education, (6), 106–110.


