



adverb, preposition, functional-grammatical transposition, complement, lexical and grammatical combinability, corpus-based study.




The paper focuses on an essential problem of a “part-of-speech” theory, including temporal and locative prepositions and adverbs overlapping in lexical and grammatical perspective. The study is pursued on a corpus-based approach towards prepositions and adverbs overlapping in present-day English (PDE), giving consideration to the complements applied. The latter are divided into two wide groups, namely Noun Phrase and Alternative Complements. To organise the results the comparative-parametric method of linguistic research developed by Sternina was introduced. A comparison has been made between traditional interpretation of complement use and practical corpus-based results in PDE. It has been ascertained that among 94 lexical units treated as one-word prepositions 49 units show overlapping of prepositions and adverbs; however, 39 units bear locative and temporal semes. The results of the PDE corpus-based research show that conventional interpretation of prepositions as lexical units governing Noun Phrase Complements and Adverbs as units correlating with Alternative Complements is deceptive, as it is based on a synchronic syntactic approach, neglecting diachronic syntax and semantics. The hypothesis proposed describes a necessity to reconsider modern PoS division theory, taking into account diachronic approach and analysis of lexical units at the stages of their genesis in Old English and Middle English periods. 


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Author Biography

Yurii Kovbasko, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

English philology department,

PhD, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Kovbasko, Y. (2016). TEMPORAL AND LOCATIVE PREPOSITIONS VERSUS ADVERBS: LEXICAL AND GRAMMATICAL OVERLAPPING (CORPUS-BASED STUDY). Advanced Education, (6), 69–75. https://doi.org/10.20535/2410-8286.77941


