



pandemic, e-test, Moodle, formative assessment, summative assessment, online, on-site


The article aims to find out the impact of online education on on-site education by analysing the results achieved by the respondents in the tests. We used descriptive statistical methods to analyze the data. The reason was that such methods allow us to better understand the correlation between the results obtained in traditional testing and online testing. The research was conducted in the summer semester of the academic years 2020/2021 and 2021/2022. 2508 students of the University of Economics in Bratislava participated in the research. The respondents were first-year Bachelor's degree students at the University of Economics in Bratislava whose first foreign language was professional English. When analyzing the data we took into account the test results, the number of students who did not take the test, the number of students who had to retake the test, and the number of students who did not take the test. The results confirmed that students who took the test in the home environment performed significantly better than students who took the test in person at the university. The results of on-site education were influenced by the online learning process. As students adapted to the online environment, they changed their study habits, which had a negative impact on learning. This negative impact was also reflected in the results of the on-site testing. The solution to this situation is to better prepare teachers for online learning and to ensure that schools are equipped with the latest technology.


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Author Biographies

Eva Stradiotová , University of Economics Bratislava

Faculty of Applied Languages, the head of the Department of English Language

Ildiko Némethová, University of Economics Bratislava

Department of English Language, Assistant Professor, Vice Dean for International Relations

Radoslav Štefančík, University of Economics Bratislava

Dean of the Department of Intercultural Communication


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How to Cite

Stradiotová , E. ., Némethová, I. ., & Štefančík, R. . (2022). WHAT WE KNOW AFTER THE PANDEMIC. ONLINE AND FACE-TO-FACE TESTING IN COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE. Advanced Education, 9(21), 4–21. https://doi.org/10.20535/2410-8286.270182

