


information technologies, Ukrainian as a foreign language, phraseologism, phraseology, experiment, educational process, Internet resource, blended learning


Teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language requires a competent combination of traditional forms of learning and the possibilities of IT technologies. This study has been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of IT technologies introduction in the educational process during the study of Ukrainian phraseology by foreign students. Authors conducted an experiment, which involved the introduction of IT technologies in the process of gradual study of phraseology at the lessons of Ukrainian as a foreign language during the academic year. 20 foreign students of the 3rd year participated in the experiment, from whom an experimental and control group of 10 students each was formed. Pre- and post-experimental tests to compare academic achievements, pre- and post-experimental surveys, informal interviews, observations of participants in the learning process were used as a means of data collection. The authors provided a system of tasks using Internet communications, computer presentations, online dictionaries, elements of the blended learning system for each stage of working with phraseological units. The obtained results confirmed the hypothesis: the use of IT technologies in the study of phraseologisms by foreign students increases their motivation for learning, and, as a consequence, improves learning performance. Indicators of academic achievement of the experimental group exceeded the starting level, while the control group noted a decrease in the indicators of academic achievement. Prospective directions for further research may be related to theoretical generalisations in the field of methodology of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language, as well as to the development and implementation of modern complex methods using IT technologies.


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Author Biographies

Larysa Azarova, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Philology), Professor,

Head of Department of Linguistics

Tetiana Pustovit, Vinnytsia National Technical University

PhD in Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics

Liudmyla Radomska, Vinnytsia National Technical University

PhD in Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics

Lyudmyla Horchinska, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Linguistics


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How to Cite

Azarova, L., Pustovit, T., Radomska, L., & Horchinska, L. (2020). USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN STUDYING PHRASEOLOGY IN THE COURSE OF UKRAINIAN AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE. Advanced Education, 7(16), 39–48.

