


Bukovyna, female school, textbook, English language teaching, methodology, grammar reference, reader.


The given article presents a survey of the English textbooks which were used at the lessons of English in female schools of Bukovyna in the beginning of the XX century. The author gives an overview of reference sources relevant to the issue under discussion and proves that the studied topic had not been in the focus of the scientific research before. The analysis of the textbooks was made using formal, functional, structural and subjective criteria. We reviewed 5 English textbooks, found in the scientific library and identified the English language teaching methods used in these books. The textbooks were divided into 3 groups: grammar references, textbooks and readers. The characteristic feature of the textbooks is that they were written in German, thus, English in Bukovyna, which at that time was a part of Austria-Hungary, was taught via the German language. We contemplated on the methodological aspects of teaching English in the Bukovynian schools for girls and the techniques applied for the development of English pronunciation, reading, speaking, writing and translation skills. Thus, the peculiarities of the principles of realization of grammar-translation and text-translation methods are revealed and the process of transition of the above-mentioned methods to the direct method of teaching English is illustrated in the textbooks being analyzed.


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Author Biography

Oksana Tumak, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Department of Foreign Languages, English teacher


  1. Baudisch, J. & Kellner, L. (1895). Sonnenburg Grammatik der englischen Sprache nebst methodischen Übungsbuche für österreichische Schulen [Sonnenburg’s grammar of the English language with methodological exercises for Austrian schools] (2nd ed.). Berlin, Germany: Springer; Vienna, Austria: Gerold.
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  3. Ellinger, J. & Perceival Butler, A. J. (1907). Lehrbuch der englischen Sprache [English Textbook]: A short English Syntax and exercises with an English-German and a German-English glossary. Vienna, Austria.
  4. Jahresbericht des öffentlichen Städtischen Mädchen-Lyzeums in Czernowitz. Erstattet am Schlusse des vierten Schuljahres 1901/1902 vom Direktor Dr. Josef Frank. Im Selbstvertrage der Anstalt. [Program of the Municipal Gils‘ Lyceum in Chernivtsi at the end of the 4th school-year 1901/1902]. (1903). Chernivtsi: Czernowitzer -Buchdruckerei-Gesellschaft.
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  6. Labinska, B. (2015). A lesson of foreign languages: German at Ukrainian schools of Bukovyna and Galicia in the period of 1867–1939. In M. Winkler (Ed.), The Habsburg coinage of language and education in Bukovyna 1848–1918–1940 Conference (pp. 163–173). Regensburg: Friedrich Pustet.
  7. Miroliubov, A. (2002). Istoriya otiechestvennoi metodiki obucheniya inostrannym yazykam [The history of the Russian methodology of teaching foreign languages]. Moscow, Russia: Stupieni; Infa-M.
  8. Swoboda, W. (1914). Lehrbuch der englischen Sprache Sprache für Mädchenlyzeen und andere höhere Mädchenschulen. T. II: A First English Reader [English Textbook textbook for girls’ lyceums and other female schools. Part II: A First English Reader]. Vienna, Austria: Franz Deutiche.
  9. Swoboda, W. (1906) Schulgrammatik der modernen englischen Sprache mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Geschäftssprache [A school grammar of the English language with special emphasis on professional language]. Wien, Austria: Franz Deutiche.
  10. Swoboda, W. (1908). Lehrbuch der englischen Sprache für Mädchenlyzeen und andere höhere Mädchenschulen. T. I: Elementarbuch [English textbook for girls’ lyceums and other female schools. Part 1: elementary book] (2nd ed). Vienna, Austria: Franz Deutiche.
  11. Swoboda, W. (1915). Lehrbuch der englischen Sprache für Mädchenlyzeen und andere höhere Mädchenschulen. T. I: An English Primer [English textbook for girls’ lyceums and other female schools. Part 1: An English Primer] (3rd ed.). Vienna, Austria: Franz Deutiche.




How to Cite

Tumak, O. (2016). THE SURVEY OF ENGLISH TEXTBOOKS USED IN FEMALE SCHOOLS IN BUKOVYNA (1900 – 1918). Advanced Education, (5), 14–20.


