



teaching writing, higher technical educational institutions, texts, audience, the purpose of writing, researching the topic, focusing the ideas, information organization, content


The paper deals with the problem of teaching writing the students of technical specialties in the conditions of interdisciplinarity. The achievements in the field of teaching writing are given. The effective ways of writing texts by the students of higher technical educational institutions are considered. To achieve successful and effective written communication it is necessary to pay attention to the audience; the purpose of writing; researching the topic; focusing the ideas; information organization and content. The audience backgrounds, interests, the level of education and familiarity with the subject have to be taken into consideration by authors. For defining the purposes of the texts it is necessary to follow the scheme "style → genre → sub-purposes". Researching the topic means collecting information from different sources and processing it. Gathering information is realized on the base of the interdisciplinary approach. The Internet is considered to be the dynamic environment that suggests various information for writing. There are different ways of searching information on the Internet: the search by topics; the keyword search (with the help of search engines or a metasearch engine); the search by links. For focusing the ideas it is possible to use different tools such as brainstorming, freewriting and mindmap. Information organization of the text is considered as the structural foundation of writing that guides readers through the text and helps them to understand the progression of author's thoughts. It focuses on the structure of the text and using connective elements.


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Author Biography

O. S. Synekop, NTUU "KPI"

Department of English for Engineering №2


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How to Cite

Synekop, O. S. (2016). EFFECTIVE WRITING OF STUDENTS OF TECHNICAL SPECIALTIES. Advanced Education, (4), 51–55. https://doi.org/10.20535/2410-8286.57160


