
  • S. S. Kolomiets NTUU "KPI", Ukraine
  • L. O. Konoplenko NTUU "KPI", Ukraine




business game, English for specific purposes, information security, task-based learning, Scrum, business meetings, integrated learning


While teaching English for specific purposes (ESP) at the university, it is important to find the ways to increase students’ intrinsic motivation, so that they understood why it is important for them to learn the foreign language and how they might use their communication skills at work. A model of teaching English using business game developed for students whose speciality is connected with information technologies (IT) and information security is analysed in the article. The model is based on task-based learning and interdisciplinary connections of different cycle disciplines: “English for specific purposes” and “Information security quality assurance technologies”, thus providing situations that might occur in students’ professional life. The business game, which includes simulation of eight business meetings adapted from Agile software development methodologies and project management framework Scrum, was implemented in teaching English for specific purposes to third year students of the institute of physics and technology, National technical university of Ukraine “Kyiv polytechnic institute”. The article outlines the stages of the business game (preparation, business game itself and feedback) and its framework. Procedure of calculating time allotted to the business game is described and justified.


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How to Cite

Kolomiets, S. S., & Konoplenko, L. O. (2015). A MODEL FOR TEACHING SPEAKING ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES (INFORMATION SECURITY) USING BUSINESS GAME. Advanced Education, (3), 58–63. https://doi.org/10.20535/2410-8286.44209


