



facilitation, educational activities, facilitative communication, facilitative interaction, empathy, reflection.


The article defines pedagogical facilitation as one of the key factors of teacher’s professionalism that includes both personality features (purposefulness, attitudes, relationships, motives and values), and their use in professional activities and communication (individual style of activity, communicative competence, etc.); as an innovative approach to teaching which promotes interest, cognitive activity, consciousness of the learner, realization of personally meaningful goals in the learning process and setting up creative learning environment. Essential characteristics of teacher facilitation are revealed: understanding and support as foundations for the interaction of teacher and learners as also learners with each other, recognition of the right of each participant of the interaction to have his or her own opinion, recognition of each individual as a unique personality, collective responsibility for decision making. The concept of facilitation is analyzed, according to which the algorithm of educational actions of the teacher is presented as an “Attribution ring” which involves the facilitation of motivation activities, goal setting, search of the subject of knowledge, search of learning methods, search of means of knowledge acquisition, realization of the learning process, and reflection. The features of facilitative communication are outlined; the educational action in facilitative interaction is proved to be determined by the psychological safety and psychological freedom as also by the empathy of the teacher, his or her professional and teaching tolerance and communicative competence, congruence, the creation of conditions for facilitative communication and facilitative influence. The psychological factors of educational action in facilitative interaction are identified: the importance of learning for learners; congruence of the teacher; psychological safety and psychological freedom, creation of conditions for facilitative communication.


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Author Biography

Olena Ogienko, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

Institute for Education Studies & Adult Education, PhD, professor


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How to Cite

Ogienko, O. (2016). FACILITATION IN THE CONTEXT OF PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITIES. Advanced Education, (5), 85–89. https://doi.org/10.20535/2410-8286.70621


