Advantages and disadvantages of Internet in language teaching.


  • Natalia Nikitina NTUU "KPI", Ukraine



Internet, teaching, information, method, speech activity, memory, speaking, listening, reading, writing, website, native speaker the text.


Article is devoted to the use of Internet resources in foreign language teaching. We consider the numerous advantages of using the World Wide Web, and use of information to improve teaching and practice of certain types of speech activity. Examples of the application of online resources to practice writing, speaking, listening and reading are given. As an example, certain websites are mentioned, where teachers of foreign languages may find some useful information to enhance and improve the teaching of foreign language. There are various aspects of Internet resources for practice of improvement lexical and grammatical material for different levels of foreign language. Attention is focused on good practice and opportunity of live communication with native speakers is excellent, the use of accumulated material and the ability to expand vocabulary and knowledge. For students it is important to hear not only the teacher but also a true native speaker. In addition, the English language itself, is very versatile and varied. So, the British pronunciation markedly differs from American or Australian pronunciation. Thus, the student can hear the different tones and features of pronunciation by communicating with native foreign language speakers from different countries.


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How to Cite

Nikitina, N. (2014). Advantages and disadvantages of Internet in language teaching. Advanced Education, (1), 51–58.

