Use of information technology in the development of professionally oriented lexical competence.


  • Olga Ivanova NTUU "KPI", Ukraine



professionally oriented lexical competence, terminological glossary, lexical skills, information technology, integrative and interactive learning


The article deals with the main problems of teaching ESP vocabulary by means of information technology. The definition of the term “lexical competence” has been given in the article. The process of lexical competence development has its own characteristics which have been discussed in the paper. Particular attention has been given to the term “professionally oriented lexical competence” which is an integral part of a foreign language teaching process to the future specialists of different fields. Information technology plays important role in teaching new vocabulary. It allows teachers to optimize and make learning new vocabulary partially automatic. The use of information technology ensures that a student is actively involved in learning new material and acquires new knowledge and skills. The principles of information technology use in teaching ESP are heavily emphasized in the article. Among them are integrative, personalized and interactive learning principles as well as the principle of lexical guidelines and computerized testing of the gained lexical knowledge and skills.


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How to Cite

Ivanova, O. (2014). Use of information technology in the development of professionally oriented lexical competence. Advanced Education, (1), 21–29.

