Semantic and stylistic features of English texts of journalistic style.


  • Natalia Hlinka NTUU "KPI", Ukraine



journalism, functional style, stylistic techniques, language tools, linguistic-stylistic analysis


The article deals with the semantic and stylistic realities of contemporary English-language journalism, briefly lists the main features and characteristics of the functional style of journalistic texts, outlines the techniques that are used in them, and names the particular qualities of their translation in Ukrainian language. Also there are given several examples of the usage of figures of speech and tropes in contemporary English-language journalism such as epithets, metaphors, stylistic comparisons, metonymies and allusions. Also the article provides an example of the difficulties of translation of aforementioned stylistic figures. The article brings the brief
summarized data on the frequency of usage of the stylistic tropes and the figures showing the most productive and the least productive forms. The close relation between language of modern journalism and the cultural environment and impact of this factor during translation is also under consideration of the article. Moreover the article indicates priori conditions of translator language competence, as well as the problems arising on the translation of journalistic materials and ways of overcoming them. As the conclusion the article defines the main translation tasks and connects the methods of resolving the translation obstacles often arising during the translation of modern English-language journalistic texts with the solution of the main translation challenges.


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How to Cite

Hlinka, N. (2014). Semantic and stylistic features of English texts of journalistic style. Advanced Education, (1), 6–12.

