Advanced Education 2024-12-30T01:44:41+02:00 Valentyna Lukianenko Open Journal Systems <p>"Advanced Education" is a peer-reviewed open access international journal</p> <p>FOUNDER AND PUBLISHER: National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"</p> <p>SCIENTIFIC AREAS: psychological, pedagogical, methodological issues of higher education: foreign/second language teaching methodology; foreign language for specific and academic purposes; teaching translation; applied linguistics; testing, evaluation and assessment in teaching; dual and multilingual education; information and communication technology (ICT) in teaching and learning; psychological issues in teaching and learning; teacher training and education; English as a medium of instruction (EMI); content and language integrated learning (CLIL); STEAM; current and emerging trends in higher education and adult learning</p> <p> </p> FROM QUANTITY TO QUALITY: EVALUATING SCIENTIFIC WORK OF TERTIARY SCHOOL TEACHERS AND RESEARCHERS 2024-12-29T13:34:59+02:00 Iryna Izarova Oleksandr Bediukh Yuliia Hartman Yuliia Baklazhenko <p><em>The article is dedicated to analyzing modern approaches to evaluating the work of researchers in Europe, with a focus on qualitative indicators that serve as alternatives to traditional quantitative metrics. This research topic was selected in response to the growing number of discussions surrounding the challenges of evaluating scientific work, as well as the rise of initiatives being implemented by leading institutions and universities worldwide. The study examines the impact of initiatives such as the Leiden Manifesto, the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) of 2012, the Hong Kong Principles, and the Open Science Career Evaluation Matrix (OS-CAM), as well as the European Research Area (ERA), on the development of new criteria for assessing scientific research. Special attention is given to the role of open science and inclusivity in evaluation processes. Additionally, examples of practices adopted by leading European universities and the potential for adapting these approaches in Ukraine are explored.&nbsp;</em><em>The article emphasizes the importance and promise of qualitative evaluation of research activity, encouraging a shift away from conventional quantitative practices toward more meaningful and impactful assessment <strong>methods</strong>. The empirical method was employed to collect and analyze relevant information, forming the foundation of the research. An analytical method was also used to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed evaluation practices. Furthermore, a comparative method was applied to investigate the differences between the suggested practices and to assess the effectiveness of each one.&nbsp;</em><strong><em>As a result of the study</em></strong><em>, global and national trends in the evaluation of researchers' work were identified, and recommendations were developed for implementing best practices of qualitative evaluation in Ukraine's academic sphere. The findings can be useful for Ukrainian higher education institutions when introducing internal evaluation practices for academic staff, as well as for central executive authorities responsible for shaping state education policy and initiating relevant legislative changes.</em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Iryna Izarova, Oleksandr Bediukh, Yuliia Hartman, Yuliia Baklazhenko. The cover for this article was designed using JOURNALISM EDUCATION IN TIMES OF WAR: NEW CHALLENGES AND ADAPTATION STRATEGIES 2024-11-30T23:12:50+02:00 Svitlana Fiialka Zoia Kornieva <p><strong><em>Purpose.</em></strong> In this study, the issues, and prospects of journalistic education in times of Russian-Ukrainian war are highlighted. By analyzing the adaptation processes and the incorporation of innovative technologies, we aim to understand how students navigate the unique challenges posed by wartime conditions. <strong><em>Method.</em></strong> In-depth interviews were conducted among fourth-year bachelor students majoring in journalism at the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” regarding the impact of war on journalism education, the students’ perceptions of journalistic ethics, motivations, necessary skills, and psychological resilience in adapting to wartime conditions, etc. The interviews were meticulously recorded and analyzed to identify recurring patterns, divergent viewpoints, and emergent themes. <strong>Findings.</strong> The results underscore the multifaceted challenges faced by students in wartime. The students emphasized the necessity in training in safety, ethical norms in journalism, conflict sensitivity, and advocated for the adaptability of educational programs, integration of real-life scenarios, and the cultivation of critical thinking. Additionally, participants stressed the importance of fostering resilience and providing psychological support mechanisms for students. <strong><em>Implications for research and practice. </em></strong>The findings highlight the importance of integrating critical thinking skills and promoting media literacy to prepare journalists for professional coverage of war-related aspects and emphasize the necessity of collaboration between the university, media organizations and the government to ensure quality updates to educational programs. This research contributes to the development of scholarly discourse on journalistic education under crisis conditions.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Svitlana Fiialka, Zoia Kornieva. The cover for this article was generated with the assistance of ChatGPT HYBRID COMMUNICATION TRAINING TECHNIQUE TO SOLVE WARTIME ACADEMIC AND SAFETY ISSUES: PERCEPTION OF MEDICAL STUDENTS 2024-07-11T08:57:36+03:00 Lyubov Gutor Pavlo Sodomora <p><em>Contemporary global epidemiological and wartime issues emphasize the development and application of academic techniques enabling the maintenance of qualitative education and training of future professionals. Healthcare is the direction requiring the most attention as the number of individuals seeking physical and mental care is continuously growing, while effective healthcare outcomes depend significantly on the well-developed communication skills of physicians. The research aims to study the perception of a hybrid communicative training technique (HCTT) suitable for in-class, online (synchronous and asynchronous), and hybrid types of learning and confirm that the development of a hybrid communicative training technique (HCTT), taking into account wartime safety and technical problems, can solve current educational tasks. The HCTT incorporates communication basics and the English language, promoting actualization, digitalization, and internationalization of higher medical education. Its </em>effectiveness<em> was evaluated by the survey, directed at defining medical students’ perception of the technique. The research involved 407 participants.</em> <em>The data were analyzed using a series of theoretical and empirical methods. The results were verified statistically. The difference between the groups of categorized indices was studied using the table of frequencies and defined by Pearson’s Chi-Squared Test. It was considered statistically significant if p</em><em>&lt;</em><em>0.05.</em> <em>The survey has shown that the responders highly evaluated the quality of the implemented HTCC. The analysis of HCTT components revealed significant differences concerning students’ positive and negative perceptions of the technique. The survey results prove that medical students appreciate the HCTT and evaluate its quality as sufficient. According to the research results, digital storytelling is a promising communication training technique that should be further researched and implemented with the aim of improving communication skills and English mastery. </em><em>The research confirms that HCTT can be used to develop the communication skills of future physicians by upgrading their reading, listening, and speaking competence. In addition, HCTT can be used as a training tool for Step 1, licensing examination, and Medical English exams, as it is based on professional pre-clinical and clinical topics and includes tasks directed at developing professional thinking, medical vocabulary, and terminology.</em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Lyubov Gutor, Pavlo Sodomora. The cover for this article was designed using A MIXED-METHODS ANALYSIS OF EFL TEACHERS’ ATTITUDES TOWARD SOCIO-EMOTIONAL LEARNING AND WELL-BEING: INSIGHTS FROM POLAND AND UKRAINE 2024-07-27T10:52:45+03:00 Luis Javier Pentón Herrera Oksana Chugai <p><em>This mixed-methods study explores EFL teachers’ attitudes toward social-emotional learning (SEL) and well-being in Poland and Ukraine, focusing on how socio-demographic factors and professional contexts influence these perspectives. Findings reveal that younger Polish teachers, generally more open to adopting innovative SEL strategies, demonstrated higher engagement in SEL practices, while older, more experienced Ukrainian teachers exhibited a robust commitment to well-being but faced greater challenges in implementing SEL due to socio-political pressures. Age and institutional environment were significant factors in shaping teachers’ SEL engagement, emphasizing the need for professional development programs tailored to these demographic and contextual differences. The study also found that Polish teachers more frequently used well-being apps, while Ukrainian teachers, facing the stresses of teaching in a conflict zone, showed a more cautious approach to managing their workload and self-care. These insights highlight the necessity of contextualized SEL and well-being teacher training and strategies that account for the distinct educational and socio-political landscapes in each country, contributing to ongoing discussions about enhancing teacher well-being and SEL engagement in diverse contexts.</em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Oksana Chugai, Mr Pentón Herrera. The cover for this article was generated with the assistance of ChatGPT. EXPLORING THE PERCEPTIONS OF GROWTH: A GROUNDED THEORY CASE STUDY FROM TÜRKIYE 2024-09-13T15:55:54+03:00 Leyla Yılmaz Fındık <p><em>This study examines students' perceptions of personal growth by applying growth mindset principles through a grounded theory approach. Using qualitative data collected from interviews, the research focuses on beliefs about effort, responses to failure, feedback, and the malleability of intelligence. A theoretical sampling strategy, integral to grounded theory methodology, was employed to select 32 students from the Faculty of Education, including 9 second-year, 19 third-year, and 4 fourth-year students. The findings reveal four key themes: Effort-Driven Development, emphasizing the primacy of effort over innate ability; Resilience and Learning from Failure, which highlights failure as an opportunity for growth; Openness to Feedback as a Development Tool, demonstrating the value placed on feedback for self-improvement; and A Dynamic View of Intelligence and Abilities, reflecting a belief in the evolving nature of intelligence. These insights enhance our understanding of how growth mindset principles manifest in educational contexts, offering practical implications for teaching practices and organizational strategies aimed at fostering personal development.</em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Leyla Yılmaz Fındık. The cover for this article was designed using PINOY TELLS: THE TYPOLOGY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING STRATEGIES 2024-07-31T07:49:47+03:00 Joseph Quinto Manilyn Cacanindin <p><em>Despite numerous studies about language learning strategies (LLSs), many learners still misunderstand their effectiveness, thinking they require too much effort for minimal gain. Additionally, students have varied and conflicting preferences for LLSs, and factors like cultural background influence their choices, indicating a need for more research on how these elements affect learning behaviors. It is, therefore, essential to address students' perceptions and use of LLSs to ensure effective language learning. This study developed an inventory of English language learning strategies for Filipino college and university students. Using a cross-sectional exploratory sequential design, the researchers collected qualitative data from 544 Filipino university students to understand their language learning experiences and preferences, afterward developing the Typology of English Language Learning Strategies (TELLS) questionnaire through a validated thematic analysis consisting of three key components: intellective (acquiring and meaning-making), affective (information processing and acclimating), and productive (technological utilization, filtering, practicing, and validating). In the quantitative phase, 502 Filipino undergraduate respondents identified the most frequently used strategies. The results revealed that these learners commonly employed most components within the typology, except for the Practicing Productive Component. This research significantly contributes to the understanding of English language learning strategies among Filipino students. It provides a valuable resource for educators, curriculum designers, and language learning practitioners by developing an empirically validated typology tailored to students' needs and preferences. The findings also suggest avenues for future research, such as examining the relationship between TELLS components and language proficiency outcomes or exploring the implementation of TELLS in language learning.</em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Manilyn R. Cacanindin, Dr. Joseph B. Quinto. The cover for this article was designed with AI IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING: SAUDI LEARNERS’ PERSPECTIVES AND USAGE 2024-12-25T12:53:17+02:00 Mai Abdullah Alqaed <p><em>Artificial intelligence (AI) is gaining wide attention in second language learning as a beneficial tool. The current research investigates EFL learners’ perceptions and usage of AI applications among 68 undergraduate English language major students. The aim is to enhance students’ awareness of valuable AI applications and involve them with AI applications to help them correct their English language errors and develop their English usage. The intervention involved guiding participants’ engagement with AI applications through specific prompts and analysing their errors into surface and linguistic categories. The objective of this approach is to raise participants’ awareness of recurrent errors in their English essays. Also, the study gathers participants’ perceptions before and after using the AI applications through pre- and post-questionnaires and focus group interviews. The participants’ responses are mainly positive, indicating AI holds the potential to significantly enhance their English language across a variety of skills. The results revealed positive engagement with AI applications, although participants expressed cautious usage due to concerns about overreliance and reliability of the information provided. The study recommends that AI can facilitate language learning through immediate feedback and productive interactions. Further research is needed to guide teachers and L2 learners to use AI while learning English ethically. </em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mai Abdullah Alqaed. The cover for this article was designed using Picsart EXAMINING THE IMPACT OF AI-POWERED WRITING TOOLS ON INDEPENDENT WRITING SKILLS OF HEALTH SCIENCE GRADUATES 2024-11-27T10:03:18+02:00 Cynthia Milton Lokesh Vidhya Gayathri Thiruvengadam <p><em>The level of reliance on AI-Powered Writing Tools (AI-PWT) profoundly impacts the independent writing skill of English as Second Language (ESL) learners. The present study explores the familiarity and utility of two different types of AI -Powered Writing Tools (Independent Writing with AI editing assistance; Generative writing with AI assistance) among </em><em>ESL health science graduates</em><em> and to understand the r</em><em>ole of these tools in shaping their independent writing skills.</em><em> <strong>Method: </strong>The study adopted a survey technique to understand the knowledge, attitude and utility of AI-powered writing tools among 309 Health Science graduates from a South Indian private Medical University. <strong>Result: </strong>The findings showed the overall frequency distribution of the participants’ level of knowledge had a higher score range of 14-20 in 213 (68.9%) samples. Although 215 (70%) were familiar on using AI-PWT to improve vocabulary and grammar, around 17-19 % were uncertain about receiving real-time writing feedback to optimize the content. 199 (64%) expressed a positive perspective in using AI-PWT. Around 214 (69.3 %) took assistance from AI-PWT for generative writing purposes than revising the independently written content. In practice, only 64 (20.7 %) received feedback to refine the vocabulary and 60 (19.4%) to revise grammar, indicating an inclination for more generative writing with AI utility than Independent Writing with editing assistance. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> AI-Powered Writing Tools are well-recognised and powerful writing assistance to help students with their academic writing. However, relying on these tools only for generative purposes could significantly affect independent writing. The study insists on the need for teacher-guided assistance to train students to adopt the right tool that could best serve as a collaborative writing assistant adhering to the ethics.</em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cynthia Milton, Vidhya Lokesh, Gayathri Thiruvengadam. The cover for this article was generated with the assistance of ChatGPT TRENDS IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE-INFUSED ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING: A COMPREHENSIVE BIBLIOMETRIC AND CONTENT REVIEW 2024-11-12T17:52:48+02:00 Sri Wahyuni Nur Hidayanto Pancoro Setyo Putro Anwar Efendi <p><em>Notwithstanding the increase in research on artificial intelligence-infused English language learning, several issues remain inadequately addressed. Thus, this paper provides a systematic review and analyzes previous studies to pinpoint fruitful knowledge gaps and outline approaches for future research directions. Two approaches, bibliometric and descriptive content analysis, were employed in this study. Firstly, we extracted data for bibliometric analysis from the Scopus database, covering publications from 1996 to 2024. The findings show that the topic peaked in 2024, with 107 articles published. China was the most cited country, with 1.215 citations, and the most productive country, with 327 articles. The International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning published the majority of the articles. The research theme evolved to emphasize English learning and student involvement through mobile learning. We applied descriptive content analysis to selected papers published between 2014 and 2024. Theoretically, the findings suggest that addressing knowledge gaps can enhance the integration of artificial intelligence in English language learning. Empirically, the mixed studies used descriptive statistics collected through observation and questionnaires, with a medium sample size selected through random sampling, a commonly used research design. These approaches can potentially expand the scholarly literature on this subject.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sri Wahyuni, Nur Hidayanto Pancoro Setyo Putro, Anwar Efendi. The cover image is derived from Biblioshiny EXPLORING THE LANDSCAPE OF JOB CRAFTING IN TEACHER EDUCATION: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW 2024-10-23T21:55:07+03:00 Aysun Dağtaş Senem Zaimoğlu Fatma Toköz <p>This study focuses on the positive role of job crafting, which is basically adjusting practices to best suit the needs of the employee and the stakeholders. Specifically, in the educational sector, job crafting has been an under-researched area of inquiry; therefore, some of its effects and potential for positive interventions are still being reviewed. With the teaching environment constantly changing over time due to developments in technology and movement toward globalization in the United States, there have been requirements for teachers to job craft—that is, craft their jobs according to the demands of new roles. The following research explicates how job crafting could be regarded as one of the positive ways through which the well-being and motivation of teachers may be increased, impacting student outcomes positively in turn. It will explore how teachers perceive their roles and how job crafting is undertaken within schools. The literature shows that job crafting has positive results and that allowing educators some degree of autonomy and collaboration to meet new demands is essential and must be addressed in teacher education programs.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Aysun Dağtaş, Senem Zaimoğlu, Fatma Toköz. The cover for this article was generated with the assistance of ChatGPT A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF RESEARCH ON SOFT SKILLS FOR EMPLOYABILITY 2024-10-27T09:29:35+02:00 Christian Villegas <p><em>Science mapping was utilized in this systematic review of research to analyze the body of knowledge on soft skills for employability. ​​The research review selected high impact articles, charted the "intellectual structure", and recorded the volume, development rate, and geographical spread of this literature. Forty-five English-language, Scopus-indexed documents that were published between 2013 and 2023 made up the database of this review. The review revealed that the documents on soft skills for employability has slightly grown over the recent years with an average of 6 documents published in each year of 2017 to 2021. The field was mostly dominated by scholars from Europe and Asia. Four "schools of thought" were identified through author co-citation analysis as the "intellectual structures” of soft skills for employability. These are: Soft Skill Development of Students, Employers’ Expectations on Graduates, Key Soft Skills, and Measuring Employability. Analysis of the document content resulted in the conclusion that there is a clear agreement in the literature that employability and career preparedness are difficult notions that cannot be simply defined, quantified, or put into practice. A significant gap between the demands of the actual world and our educational system in terms of soft skills has been determined. The research recommends "skillfying the syllabus" or "skillification" in order to guarantee that soft skills are taught in the curriculum. </em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Christian Villegas. The cover for this article was generated with the assistance of ChatGPT