
  • Svetlana Bodnar Odessa Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine



integrated teaching, professional activity, foreign language speech activity, economic subjects, students majoring in economics.


The article discloses the problem of content and language integrated teaching to Ukrainian university students majoring in economics. The characteristics of the integrated teaching are presented. Nowadays pedagogical integration can be traced in all its forms: in interconnection of actions concerning youth education and upbringing; in interconnection of content of different subjects teaching, moreover not only related subjects (such as mathematics and physics) but so-called unconnected subjects (computer sciences and foreign languages); in interconnection of different activities as to the major subject learning. Pedagogical integration is realised by creating “practical synthesis”, it means: joining the content of related subjects into one academic discipline; applying similar methods and techniques of teaching synthesised subject; emerging organisational forms of teaching different subjects into one organisational-methodic unity which functions in one educational process. The peculiarities of the integrated teaching economic subjects by means of a foreign language are highlighted in the article. Professional knowledge and skills that Ukrainian students majoring in economics are to master both in the native and in the foreign languages for professional material application into practice are described. The methods of integrated teaching economic subjects by means of a foreign language have been introduced. The article presents the model of stage-by-stage realisation of the integrated teaching two kinds of activities (professional and foreign language) with the description of the interconnected (synthetized) components of the teaching process.


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Author Biography

Svetlana Bodnar, Odessa Institute of Trade and Economics of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Head of Foreign Languages department-professor

Сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences


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