Advertising text as the form of social impact.


  • Nina Ishchenko NTUU "KPI", Ukraine
  • Ksenia Tieliegina НТУУ "КПИ", Ukraine



advertising text, verbal and visual components, propositional, pragmatic and communicative-pragmatic approaches


The given article is dedicated to the advertising text and its form of expression, social impact, and direct approaches to its study. The components of advertising texts are considered in detail. Definitions of all terms are available, related to advertising, as well as the role of the advertising text in society is defined.

This article also provides a list of the main components of advertising. However, it should be noted that the presence of all components at once is not an obligatory point, a lot of factors that affect to transfer information that is the main goal of advertising.

Thus, we see that approaches to the study of texts in general, and most preferably advertising texts are a few, but the most effective is pragmatic because advertiser’s only purpose is to promote the goods and develop the interest of many people. All language features in the advertising texts are intended to make the recipient to perform the necessary steps that advertiser needs and thus meet the needs of the subject and the recipient of the language. The recipient itself dominates in advertising communication, their needs, motivation, interests are crucial to the advertiser, whose aim is to make identical area of interest of the recipient with his own.

The existence of promotional texts of verbal and visual components enables us to classify them into kreolizovany texts, where we see that the non-verbal means are quite significant, but with the verbal form meaningful and pragmatic aspects.


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How to Cite

Ishchenko, N., & Tieliegina, K. (2014). Advertising text as the form of social impact. Advanced Education, (1), 30–35.

